

Japanese miso parmigiana


Andrea Moio

Cook & Prep Time

60 min



Japanese miso parmigiana

A stunning chef’s take on a fusion aubergine parmigiana that will amaze your guests!


  • 2 small aubergines, sliced round into 8 slices about 5cm thick,
  • 1 tbsp miso, add some water and mix it until it becomes a smooth paste
  • 1 celery stick, cut into fine dice
  • 1 carrot, cut into fine dice
  • 1 small onion, cut into fine dice
  • 1 small potato, cut into fine dice
  • ginger, grated to taste
  • chili pepper, to taste
  • 800g canned organic cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • herbs (thyme, basil) to taste
  • 250g mozzarella or aged cheese
  • salt
  • sesame seeds, as needed


Step 1

Heat a saucepan and drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil. Sauté the finely diced celery, carrot, onion and potato. Add the grated ginger and a tablespoon of miso paste. Cook and stir it often until soft, simmer and mash them until creamy. If necessary, use a stick blender.

Step 2

In the meantime, heat a saucepan and drizzle with olive oil. Gently fry the garlic clove until golden. Remove the garlic clove and add the canned organic cherry tomatoes, a ladle of water, salt, and basil and simmer gently, covered for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 3

Heat the oven to 200C. Put the sliced aubergine on an oven tray and, with a knife, make small diamond-shaped cuts in the aubergine flesh. Season with salt, herbs, and chili pepper. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and bake for 30 minutes.

Step 4

Take the aubergine slices out of the oven as soon as they are cooked. Cut the mozzarella into 4 slices, place on top of 4 aubergine slices, and then cover them with the remaining 4 aubergine slices to form a sort of sandwich.

The dish must be served hot. Put the miso sauce on the bottom of each plate, place the aubergine sandwich on top and cover with the cherry tomato sauce; garnish with a sprinkle of sesame seeds.