

Neapolitan-style salt cod

Cook & Prep Time

1 h



Neapolitan-style salt cod

A classic home-cooked dish from Naples bursting with flavour!


  • 600g salt cod
  • fresh parsley and basil
  • 500g canned organic whole peeled tomatoes
  • 100g black olives, stoned
  • 30g capers, rinsed
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • flour, to coat the salt cod
  • sunflower oil, for frying
  • extra virgin olive oil


For the salt cod stock

Fillet the salt cod and cut into even portions. Set aside. Prepare a stock with the trimmings, bones and skin: sauté them gently in a little extra virgin olive oil, one clove of unpeeled garlic and the basil and parsley stalks. Add 2 litres of cold water. Bring to the boil and cook until the stock has reduced by a half (about 1 litre in all). Sieve.

For the tomato sauce

Sauté the garlic in the extra virgin olive oil with the olives and capers, cut half the canned organic whole peeled tomatoes in half and keep the others whole and add to the sauce. Add the salt cod stock. Cook the sauce gently for about 20 minutes.

For the fried salt cod

Dry the salt cod fillets well, coat in flour and fry in plenty of sunflower oil at 170C until crisp. Remove and place on kitchen paper or in a stainless steel basket to drain.

To finish the dish

Place the fried salt cod fillets in the tomato sauce for 3 – 4 minutes making sure you turn them a couple of times. Serve hot.