

Pannenkoeken, Dutch pancakes


Viviana Marrocoli



Pannenkoeken, Dutch pancakes

The perfect brunch recipe to warm you up on a chilly February weekend, giving you plenty of energy for a crisp winter’s walk!


  • 100g Italian type ‘00’ flour
  • 100g buckwheat flour
  • 380ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 60g bacon rashers, chopped
  • 60g grated Emmental
  • 200g canned organic baby plum tomatoes
  • 1 shallot
  • Basil leaves
  • 80g Auricchio Piccante, or other strong cheese


Step 1

Mix together the two types of flour, then add the milk, salt and egg. Rest for 30 minutes. Add the chopped bacon and grated Emmental to the batter.

Step 2

Separately, sauté the finely chopped shallot with the tomatoes to make a sauce. In an 18cm diameter frying pan, melt some butter (or oil) and pour in a ladleful of the batter; tip the pan to cover the base and make a thin pancake, and flip when the top is set and cook the other side. Continue until all the batter is used.

To serve, pour over the baby plum tomato sauce, add a few basil leaves and the grated Auricchio cheese.