

Green beans and potatoes in tomato sauce

Cook & Prep Time

45 min



Green beans and potatoes in tomato sauce

This delicious vegetable dish is suitable for vegans too – perfect when green beans are in season!


  • 600g green beans
  • 250g canned organic whole peeled tomatoes, crushed or pureed in a blender
  • extra virgin olive oil, as needed
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 fresh chili pepper
  • a sprig of fresh basil
  • 340g potatoes
  • salt and pepper


Step 1

Clean the green beans under cold running water, top and tail and cut in half. Clean and peel the potatoes.

Step 2

Fill a saucepan with water, add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil. Add the potatoes and after 10 minutes, add the green beans: cook for another 10 minutes until the green beans are tender and the potatoes cooked. Drain and leave to cool a little, after a few minutes, separate the potatoes and cut them carefully into cubes.

Step 3

In the meantime, prepare the tomato sauce: cut the onion and chili pepper thinly. Drizzle a little oil in a large frying pan and sauté the onion and chili pepper for a minute. Add the organic crushed tomatoes, season with salt and pepper and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes until the sauce is creamy and smooth.

Step 4

Add the green beans to the tomato sauce and cook for a minute over a low heat, stirring well to combine them. Then add the potatoes, stirring carefully so they do not break up.

Serve the green beans and potatoes in tomato sauce with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and garnish with fresh basil leaves.